Diabetes Research & Awareness

How can I increase awareness of diabetes in my community?

The National Diabetes Education Program, which is sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control, and the National Institutes of Health has various toolkits that your organization can use in different venues.  They can be downloaded from their website, or ordered at a nominal cost.  Their website is www.ndep.nih.gov.

I don’t want to be the lead organizer, but I want to help out.  What can I do?

The Houston and Southeast Texas affiliate of the American Diabetes Association has various organized events that are open for volunteers.  Their website is www.diabetes.org/in-my-community/local-offices/houston-texas.  There is an African-American Initiatives Committee that is committed to helping out at various community events and at selected church functions.  If you want to be involved, the contact person at the ADA is Jennifer Williams.  Her phone number is 713-977-7706, ext 6088.

Additional Resources

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