Physician Directory Disclaimer

The HMF Physician Locator is published by the Houston Medical Forum ("HMF") as a reference tool on African American physicians in the Greater Houston area. This data, information, or resource may not be republished, sold, resold, copied, duplicated, or downloaded in whole or in part, for commercial or any other purposes such as mailing lists or any list of such physicians. The use of this information to create independent data files or other statistical data is strictly prohibited.

This physician locator is intended to be used by the general public as a service to facilitate locating African American physicians in Houston and surrounding areas.

The use of the directory by medical related entitles for the purpose of verifying the credentials of physicians in the database in not a reliable method to meet the standards of any organization, association, company, corporation, or other entity.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Liabilities

HMF does not warrant, guarantee, or otherwise deem the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or suitability of the data contained in the directory nor in any way endorse the individuals described in the directory.

In no event shall HMF be held liable for your decisions or actions taken with regard to information contained in the directory. If you do not agree with any provision in this agreement, you should click on the "I do not agree" button.

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